Wednesday 7 September 2016

Surat Speaks - Dr. Sarika Mehta, The Prodigal Daughter asks individuals to take initiative......

“Facing one’s self, before complaining about the issue, is not only the major problem in our country, but it is the only problem.” Says Dr. Sarkia Mehta.

“The issue could be any. From diminishing gender ratio to noise pollution on roads to environmental degradation….every issue has a solution. And it is right in front of us. It is in front of you. When you, yourself stop complaining and begin to contribute at your own level.”

Dr. Sarika, a surti, is a true prodigal daughter of our city. Surat is proud to have a daughter, who has done something remarkable, to create awareness on poor gender ratio of country.

Dr. Sarika is not an unknown name for those who love to ride bikes. She is a known biker, mountaineer and a socialist. As we all know, she, and her three friends have recently rode ten countries in south Asian region for creating awareness to save the girl child. Her trip, has also opened up a road route connecting these Asian countries for the first time. She has put our Surat on international map. Made us all proud, inspired many.

On top of it, she has her PhD in ‘Behavior Science’. Her experiences on road, with her knowledge in human behavior makes her one of the most appropriate person to give opinion on environmental issues.

“And the solution may not be immediate. But over the course of time, it always helps.”
After speaking to Dr. Sarika, you become sure that it indeed does not take many people, or rallies or seminars to bring solution to the problem that is bothering us. What it takes, is one person. And that one person is not someone else. Not some angel. It is YOU. When everyone stops complaining and starts acting, there is no issue that cannot be solved.

“During my ride in different countries and regions, I have observed a striking, and obvious difference in the attitude and approach of the people towards the problem. Everywhere else, people contribute. They contribute even with a single hand. People take initiative. We don’t take initiative. We remain.”

Her words, though harsh, are true. Those are the words of a daughter, a person who has seen world and felt environment first hand. Directly…..

Sincere thanks Dr Sarika….keep the rubber on the road!

Himanshu Padhya

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